Verdi Firewise
Be Fire Ready
As the devastation from the Camp Fire has so recently made apparent, wildfires are becoming more and more extreme and living in a wildland-urban interface, we are all at risk.
Our story began on November 30th, 2018, when Verdi neighbors met to discuss and establish the Verdi Fire Adapted Community Chapter. During this meeting we completed an application with the Nevada Network of Fire Adapted Communities; discussed chapter boundaries; established founding members and community leaders; and identified three goals to help prepare ourselves, our homes, and the landscape where we reside to survive the destructive force of wildfire.
In 2020, we changed our name to Verdi Firewise, working in our community on both sides of the California/Nevada borders.
We will be looking at ways in which we can apply for State and Federal Funding and grant opportunities, create a Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP), educate our community on living with wildfire, and plan for our priority projects.
This is a community project that needs local support. We all can work to make our homes defensible to fire, but we are stronger when we work together as a community.